Key To Successful SEO Is Not The Keyword Anymore

Key To Successful SEO Is Not The Keyword Anymore
f you are SEO practitioner, your main aim is to increase ranking, with a set of keywords given, Isn’t it? but is that worthy enough for a successful SEO outcome??
Let’s read this conversation first,
Boss: C’mon we need to rank high, our keywords are still in cut throat competition. We want all our keywords to be even better….. 
Employee: But sir our website is getting good traffic
Boss: Oh really! how??
Employee: Sir we were working on ….…..
Wait !!! Why jump to conclusion. Let’s go step by step, it’s nothing new in mentioning how much Google hates SEO. in fact our blog ‘The Battle of Google Algorithm and SEO’ clearly stated that SEO is always been discouraged by the largest search engine since many years.


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